It was the day of Carla's wedding, a wedding that I have been quite excited for. And what a perfect day it was! The sun couldn't have shone any brighter for this couple! It was a small, intimate wedding with 30 of her closes loved ones. It was set for 5:30pm at Seasons in the Park but it started just a little bit later. The day was even better since Matthew was the bestest little angel anyone could have asked for. We started the day a bit late as he slept in till 9! When I woke up I thought it was only 8am but then quickly realized that it was 9 and he was still catching his zzz's! Then we got ready quickly to meet up with Clayton, my brother and Kim at the Richmond Nature Park. We spent about an hour there on the trail and then in the gift shop that had stuff to do for the little guys. We then went to Pho for lunch. Matthew ate all his mush and two bowls of Pho noodles and fruit before we headed home for a nap. I was hoping that he'd have a great nap so he could last longer at the wedding. My wish came true as he got just over 2 and a half hours before waking up very happy. We got ready, him putting on his suit, James putting on his suit and me in my navy blue dress. We got to Seasons in the Park just before 5pm to settle ourselves in. Since the timing was quite off from our usual schedule, I couldn't help but worry how Matthew would take to it. I really should give him more credit and stop worrying! He was exploring the dining room where we'd be spending the next 6 hours in. The bride was a bit late so the ceremony didn't start until closer to 6pm. Then some h'orderves came to tickle our tummys while photos were being taken outside. We fed Matthew his mush and some of the h'orderves. James said that he'll consider this his dinner so I could enjoy mine when the time comes as he'll be entertaining Matthew. I don't know if James was being nice or if he just thought the small bites were too delicious to stop munching on but anyhow James ate a very good amount while Matthew finished his mush and some chicken skewers and spring rolls. Then we went outside to take some pictures which was only about 15 minutes. We went back downstairs to enjoy some bread and speeches. Matthew ate almost a whole bun and some cheerios and fruit. Then our entree came and Matthew had some mashed potatoes and lots of french fries and one chicken strip. Dessert came and Matthew had a few bites of our lemon tart and a couple bites of ice cream. At this point, it was 9ish and not only is Matthew a very pleasant guest, he had been sitting since 6pm (with a short break to go outside for pictures) but he was still eating and very happy. After a few more speeches, it came time for dancing. We thought Matthew would go crazy when Rihanna's "We found love" song came on but he was too preoccupied with Ciresi's phone which had been playing Rihanna's "We found love" song continuous for him as he was asking for it. We left the wedding just after 10:30pm. We were prepared for Matthew to fall asleep in the car on the way home so we brought his PJ's. But he didn't sleep as he kept requesting for Rihanna's song. Man, it used to be one of my fave songs but I'm getting kinda sick of it! We got home and he was still awake so we decided to give him his milk and do his regular bedtime routine. He downed 6oz of milk and then went to bed super nice. He's been eating up a storm! He must be making up for the 2 days he didn't eat! I was hoping he'd sleep in and he did until I woke him up to go to the Easter Egg hunt at the YMCA (langara one) to meet up with Ryan, Lana, Doug, and Yee-ma. He woke up happy (thankfully!) and we enjoyed a full morning of carnival games and an easter egg hunt. He wasn't too good at it and the YMCA volunteer kept dropping eggs around him so he'd find it easily. He just wanted to play! We then grabbed a quick bite at Oakridge Mall with Yee-ma before we headed home for a nap. So that's what our angel's doing now - napping since 1:20pm. It's times like this that I TOTALLY want another one!
oh one thing about the wedding. I thought it was so thoughtful that there were gift bags for each of the children in attendance. Each bag was thoughtfully prepared based on gender and age group. The idea behind the bags was to help entertain the kiddies, luckily for us it was just an extra and not needed but super much appreciated! I thought it was such a nice added touch...thanks guys!
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