Time is passing so quickly! Every parent comments on the fact that time passes by so quickly. I didn't think this when Matthew was a baby, but I guess it's because I didn't enjoy it as much as now. I love how he can now interact, somewhat communicate what he wants and just how his little personality is forming. Also I think it's because my knowledge with this age group is better than when he was a baby. It didn't matter how much I read up on his baby milestones, my experience was not with newborns but with one year and up.
So now Matt Matt is turning a year and a half in a few days. He's able to do so much more. He's definitely a lot friendly with strangers. He will go to some and not look back for mom or dad. He has also been building his vocab with simple words and seems to understand what we ask of him like "go get your bib", "please get mommy some water", "what would you like to eat now?" and his response would be "apple". He can also feed himself (but quite messy at times) and drink from an open cup. We have now realized that Matthew is way more fun and easy to be with when he's not sick. He still whines at times but definitely way more when he's starting to get sick or when he is full on sick. I've done tours a ton of times at school and I always let parents know that their child will get sick lots when they first enter a school setting but man, doing it first hand is way more difficult than just preaching it!
February was a busy month for us. My parents went traveling to South America (their ABC tour) for just over three weeks and James and I had our first opportunity to be "real" parents! We communicated WAY more this month than any other time during our almost 15 years together. We constantly planned what and how we were going to prepare our dinners and other chores. I have to admit, at first I was kind of petrified on how we were going to time manage work, every day house hold chores, and our little busy toddler - what every normal parent does on a daily basis! We surprisingly did a wonderful job and very much enjoyed our time together as a family! And we think Matthew ate tons more and is heavier than when my parents left. I think James did really appreciate the quiet private time with just us three than always having to combine our time with my parents. I do agree with him on this as it was a very nice time together. Well, this makes great practice for the second month long trip my parents have planned for April!
Luckily for us, Matthew was only a little sick the first couple of days my parents left. After that, he didn't get sick until just last week and that only lasted a few days of a coughing fit. I really believe (and hope) that his exposure to school has strengthened his immune system. Matthew is definitely a much easier and more pleasant toddler to be around when his health is good. Since he wasn't sick much this month, he was a super angel!
Matthew's really enjoying his time at school now. There are times when I go to pick him up from his class and he runs and hides from me so he can play longer. It's frustrating when we are in a rush but I much prefer this attitude than when he didn't appreciate school. He still has a great time participating in circle time at school. Here's a clip of what he's been learning. Again, I'm such a proud mommy!
Another big highlight in the month of February is when he climbed/fell out of his crib! We put him down for his usual afternoon nap at home. His routine is: cry a bit and then find his "bo-bos" (cloths) and then curls up with his bum up to sleep. So to maximize chores during nap time, James left right after we put him down (to run and do errands) and I went to go take a shower. The next thing I knew, I hear Matthew crying quite loudly which is weird cause he was supposed to be in his room. I opened the door and there he was! I wondered how he got out so I decided to put him back in and watch him on the monitor to see how he did it the first time. He hangs onto the front of the crib and puts one leg over while holding onto the front frame. Then he throws his weight over to his leg that's already over the crib and waits for gravity to take over to pull him all the way down to the floor! What a monkey! Of course we immediately lowered his crib that night!
We also went to Gymboree this month and I wasn't too impressed so I'm going to look for other activities for him.
Here are some random photos of Matthew this month.
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